If your parent is getting older but still wants to live at home, there are some changes you should make. These changes will help prevent your parent from falling and becoming injured. Keep reading for two of these changes so you can get started.
Make Changes to Bathroom
One common area for anyone to get injured in is the bathroom as floors can get slippery. It is also easy to fall when getting into and out of the bathtub.
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The bathtub is one of the central plumbing fixtures in your home. Not surprisingly, problems that force you to replace or renovate the bathtub can be fairly disruptive. Avoiding some incorrect assumptions will help you to have a pleasant experience with overseeing this change to your home's bathroom.
Assumption: Any Crack In Your Bathtub Can Be Easily Repaired
Cracks are a common type of damage for a bathtub, but it is also an issue that could potentially allow large amounts of water to leak out.
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Kitchen remodeling is a rite of passage for many homeowners. After using the same kitchen for years, it's only natural to want to change it up a bit or get a complete overhaul. If you're at that stage and you need to remodel your kitchen, it's crucial to learn how to make the renovation a success.
Depending on how much you want to change in your kitchen, your kitchen renovation project can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a year or more.
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Do you want to enlarge your kitchen but can't add on to the house? Many homeowners have this same issue, particularly in older homes with kitchens that were designed for different times. But you can still do a lot to make your kitchen appear larger, even within the existing home's footprint. To help you find the right solution, here are five ways you may be able to do it.
1. Extend Into the Dining Room.
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Improving your kitchen's functionality, space, and aesthetics increases the overall value of your home. If you're operating on a tight budget, spice up your kitchen by refacing your kitchen cabinets. Indeed, you can reface your cabinets in a matter of hours and have an impressive look without breaking the bank.
Even though you think the cabinets you installed a decade ago look dated, they offer a more solid build than the pre-built alternatives in contemporary kitchens.
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